Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Corp. ID Assessment

For this assessment we were asked to develop corporate IDs for a fictional and a real company.

For my fictional business I came up with some different ideas. I liked the idea of a mechanics, a baby clothing line and a fitness and well being centre. I chose the fitness centre and chose the name Aqua Balance. I did a research into different fitness and gym logos and gained inspiration from this. I discovered that a lot of logos were vector images and usually of people during physical activity or shapes which created these images.

I liked this style but wanted a softer approach for a wellbeing centre.

From here a did a few sketches and then worked on the computer to make various logos. When I chose a logo I liked I then created many different business cards, letterheads, envelopes and appointment cards. I chose the logo I did because it was soft and appealing but still enforced the feel of being active and healthy. I chose the maroon as it is a colour which appeals to both female and male as well as having an earthy naturally good feel about it.

I liked this business and the image I was creating for it, however during research I kept coming across fitness and wellbeing centres and day spas which incorporated photographic images into their Corporate Identities. I really liked this style but found it hard to work it in with the illustrative style I had already developed for Aqua Balance.

After doing more research into the corporate identities for day spas I suddenly came up with Elkasa Day Spa and worked with photographic images for this one. It all fell in place quickly and really well. I am still making adjustments to the work but really love the direction it’s going in. I chose the pink as for the logo as it is soft, pretty and appealing and helped create the feel I was after. I chose to work with the image of water and pink frangipanis as these images create the feel of tranquillity and peace, which is what you usually look for in a day spa. The pink of the frangipanis also tied in well with the pink of the logo. The font I used for the logo was Helvetica Neue and the font used for the information was Futura light and Futura medium. I used these as I really like the Futura type family and use it a lot as it is appealing and simple. After working with many different types for the logo I decided on Helvetica Neue as it worked well with the over all image of the business. It is also rounded and quite soft which is the feel I wanted to give for the company.

I like how the corporate identity for Elkasa Day Spa came together. It was how I pictured it looking when I first came up with the idea. I liked how I was able to work with photographs and it all worked well, as sometimes it is hard to incorporate photos into corporate identity. I really really like the end product.

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