I started my research by looking at past DG cover competition entrants as well as past covers of the magazine, from this I was able to gain a better understanding of the feel of the magazine. I took note of styles and colours used, cover lines and topics.
Below are some of the designs from the DG magazine website that I found interesting. They are a bit different I like the colours in some and the style in others.
The target market seemed to be Designers or those with an interest in design or creative hobbies or occupation, such as artists. It seemed as though the magazine would be appropriate for those aged from 16 up.
The contents of the magazine, as well as other design magazines, included things such as information on exhibitions, info on design books, work by designers, interviews, articles on art movements and issues relevant to the target market.

I also did some research on art movements and decided I liked the look of pop art and thought it would look effective on a design magazine cover. I then did further research into pop art and found out information such as the time when it was produced and most popular, artists of the movement, like Andy Warhol and Peter Blake. I looked up some images and below are a couple I liked from the websites www.ontologicalmuseum.org and www. 2thinknow.com.
I then found a Sportsgirl catalogue which had a really cool style and design so I became inspired by that and started to develop some concepts and sketches from this.

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