Sunday, May 11, 2008

GPS box

My GPS box has a simple colour scheme, and a simple but effective and interesting design.
I chose to use simple and minimal colours as it is aimed at corporate, business person market.
I decided to make my GPS box white as it is a clean, crisp colour which reflects style and has a corporate feeling, which may appeal to the target market.
The blue was chosen for the use of the arrows because it was used in the A2B logo and I thought it would tie everything together well. The blue was chosen as the colour for the logo as it is pleasant, calm, simple and effective, as well as being eye catching.
The text used for the box is simple as i didn't want the design to look messy, the type would also appeal more to the market.
I took a lot of inspiration from my own GPS box which i had at home and based my size and shape for the box on this one, i used the original GPS box as a template.
The information on the box is very similar to that of the box which i had at home and contains everything which I feel a GPS box should.
I made some changes from the original design as it was a slightly different shape and it had a clear front panel. I changed this as I preferred the chosen design better and i was also limited to materials.
Over all I like the box and think it looks simple but effective and is not over powering. I could have done something’s better and maybe worked on the colour scheme a little but over all its ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog suze :)